Berg of Hope, South-Africa


Due to the lack of good education in South Africa, many women still face difficulties regarding unemployment.  Berg of Hope was founded by a family to reduce this and build a better community within the region of Muizenberg. Currently the main goal of the organisation is providing the skill of sewing so that the woman can make a stable living from this. To reach this goal, the family rents a sewing factory and provides all the materials needed. Unfortunately this approach is not financially sustainable and hence needs a solution. In order for the business to become financially sustainable so that they can keep changing women’s lives, the business needs entrepreneurial minds. The project will consist of an IT-part, a part on business development and a part on practical technicalities.

The students will develop a basic website to increase social awareness and provide information. They will also provide Berg of Hope with a full business plan, which includes a marketing strategy, business assistance and workshops. Given this, the students will analyse the business in close detail during the implementation. 

project details


Make the business financially sustainable in order to keep decreasing the unemployment rate among women in Muizenberg. 

Organise workshops to increase entrepreneurial spirit across the whole community.




Where: Muizenberg, South-Africa

Applications Deadline: 12 October 2023

About the project partner

The current status organisation Berg of Hope is mainly due to the work Ayesha has done. Ayesha is an incredible woman with a dream to provide all the women in Muizenberg with a job. Her house is designed to host volunteers, with whom she collaborates to fulfil her dream on a daily basis. 

Unfortunately, Ayesha and the rest of the community lack an economic mindset and therefore need the students to help them.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for 5 open-minded students with an entrepreneurial spirit and great English knowledge. Cultural flexibility and respect for other cultures are a must. Students of all academic backgrounds are allowed to apply. However, for this project we are especially looking for students with background or special interest in:

Information and Technology

Public Relations





If this sounds like the challenge you need in your life, not only to make the world just a little better but also to gain an incredible amount of experience in the process, do not hesitate to apply.

To apply, send an e-mail to with the subject ‘Project student 2023-2024’ with your CV and a short motivational letter attached.


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