Academics for Development

Academics for Development is a non-profit organization founded on social entrepreneurship. Through projects and on-campus events, we strive to give students the opportunity to enrich themselves and have durable social impact.

Our Projects

We organize social impact oriented student consulting projects around the world in which a multidisciplinary team of students collaborates with a social enterprise, start-up or NGO, during the academic year. The team then joins the project partner on location for an implementation phase of 6-8 weeks.

Our Events

AFD organises events to bring topics related to social entrepreneurship and impact closer to the broader student community and public. Furthermore, AFD endeavours to be a platform for young individuals with an entrepreneurial spirit and a heart for driving social change. Follow us on Facebook or keep checking the website for our upcoming events!

Leuven Events
Leuven Events
Find out more about our events in Leuven
Gent Events
Gent Events
Find out more about our events in Gent



The registration for ImpactLab is open!

Are you motivated to take your first steps in creating social impact? Or perhaps you want to learn more about what social entrepreneurship means?

Check out the ImpactLab page above and make sure to apply!

Leuven Brightminds
Leuven Brightminds
Find out more about ImpactLab



Sustainable Development Goals

Academics for Development is proud to align itself with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through our commitment to social entrepreneurship, we endorse the idea of the triple bottom line, where profitability, social justice and the environment are considerations of equal importance for any responsible entrepreneur.

Specifically, we align with the following SDGs:

Get Involved

Do you want to join Academics for Development as a student or be a partner with this organization? Get in touch with us.


We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.