november, 2020
09nov14:0020:30What is sustainable coffee? Let's debate

Event Details
Team Brightminds and Team Events are joining forces and present to you an interactive workshop: What is sustainable coffee? Let’s debate! During the workshop we will dive
Event Details
Team Brightminds and Team Events are joining forces and present to you an interactive workshop: What is sustainable coffee? Let’s debate!
During the workshop we will dive deeper into the coffee industry and the challenges they are facing concerning sustainability. We will welcome Nespresso and Ngopi. You, as a student, will be able to confront/ask them on their used processes and resources. How do they package their coffee? Are they paying their farmers truthfully? What about ‘reviving origins’ and ‘CO2 neutrality’? We want to challenge you to gain better insights and to reach an equilibrium between all the players of the coffee supply chain.
Join us during the interactive workshops and let’s discuss what sustainable coffee is!
The same workshop is organised three times on the same day. Register and choose your timeslot through this link:
(Monday) 14:00 - 20:30